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Hospitality Greeters
Hospitality occurs in significant ways at PCC. The Hospitality Ministry includes our greeters and ushers, and those who offer various supports during our worship and other services.  These individuals are often the first contacts with those walking through our doors, and therefore must reflect the hospitality of the God we serve.  

Would you consider joining this team and being the face of love to newcomers on Sunday mornings? We wish to give everyone that enters the doors of Pacific our full attention.  We are all guests of God’s grace and look forward to extending that grace to those who walk through the doors of Pacific.

Communion Serving
Handing out the bread and wine is the height of hospitality. Serving in this way is one of the most precious gifts imaginable. We look every person in the eye, speak the words of institution, "the body of Christ, given for you" with the gravity it deserves. By holding up the piece of bread before the waiting person, you are saying in effect, 'This bread, this very piece that I'm holding up and about to give you, this bread, is the body of Christ, and it's for you.' This simple act transforms the 'assembly line' or 'soup line' experience into a personalized Eucharistic encounter.

We really need another 6 individuals to join this team (couples or singles). Please think about this and let me know if you might be interested. You can even talk to one of our volunteer couples first, or try it once and decide if it is for you!

Communion Prep
We are looking for about 4 volunteers willing to prepare the communion emblems on Sunday mornings, before service begins, on a rotating basis. This position requires you to arrive about 30 minutes before the service. Clean-up can be done quickly after service.

This is a behind the scenes position so vital to our worship service, yet not hard to learn and does not require a large time commitment. Our lovely, dedicated volunteers that currently serve would be happy to have you come and shadow them if you want to check it out on a Sunday morning!

Please contact Alex Toney for more information and he would be happy to answer any questions you may have!